A Switcher - Again

By vauxia , 17 June, 2004

So Apple's Mail.App ( Jaguar ) has displeased me for the last time, but Mozilla's Thunderbird has made astonishing progress during recent versions.

Things that make me happy about switching to Thunderbird:

  • I can create multiple IMAP accounts on the same IMAP server without having my email client spew connection errors on every download
  • Messages thread themselves even though I haven't purchased a new version of my OS
  • I can change to a different mail folder without confusing my email client, which means I no longer have to close and relaunch it 3 times over to return to my inbox
  • I can sign and encrypt messages
  • I can set up different identities for my email without resorting to messy hacks
  • I get to choose the way images are downloaded in HTML messages - it's not all-or-nothing anymore!
  • Playing wav file attachments (voicemail) works *SO* much better!

I am *really* going to miss the ability to set up different email notification sounds based on message rules. And filtering on the message body - that's going to hurt too. On-the-fly spellcheck, that's going to be sad to lose - though I won't miss Mail.app's braindead suggestions. I need to figure out how to get it to talk to my Address Book, but I suspect that's just about knowing where to point the LDAP connection. All in all, I think I'm going to be much happier this way.

Also today, I found out there's a new google toolbar for Mozilla that tracks PageRank. This is the first of its kind and also served as the final straw for moving all of my web use to FireFox. Am I the only one who didn't know about the Web Developer extensions? Holy crap!

There should be a mozilla.org/switch page.