Best gift ever!

By vauxia , 13 June, 2005

As a gift for my recent birthday, my mom got me egg salad sandwiches!

This ranks as one of the most eccentric -- and thoughtful -- gifts I've ever received.  At some point I must have mentioned how much I enjoy a good egg salad sandwich, but I rarely get to enjoy them because they're a pain to make.  After the boiling and the cooling and the slicing and the mixing and the toasting; one measley sandwich is a bit of a let-down.

So, wrapped up in tissue and a fancy gift bag, I received:

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 loaf of bread
  • 1 jar of "lemonaisse"

The lemonaisse is a nice touch.  The perfect mix of lemon, mayo, mustard and "special spices", it's way better than anything I would have made.  So now I just peel and mash the eggs with some of the tasty concoction and it's insta-sandwich!

Way to recognize my laziness and my love for a well-made egg salad.  Thanks Mum, it's been days of enjoyment!