For future review...

Submitted by vauxia on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 17:59
  • PGCluster - not sure yet if this is what I want, but it looks close.
  • Gfarm file system - again, 75% sure. But my options are limited!
  • Look for "dblink" in the PgSQL world. And this goes on the "holy crap that's cool, but not particularly relevant yet!" list
  • Still don't have keywords and stuff figured out in SVN. Quick notes:
    • Manually: svn propset svn:keywords Id [YOUR FILE(s)]
    • In ~/.subversion/config , under the "auto-props" section:

      *.php = svn:keywords=Id
      *.module = svn:keywords=Id
      README* = svn:keywords=Id
  • SVK

There, that took care of about half a dozen open tabs in my browser!