Geospatial transformations on MySQL tables

By vauxia , 27 September, 2008

Since MySQL doesn't support geospatial transformations ( or most other useful features ), it may become necessary to do the transformation manually.

After installing the excellent GDAL, I was able to run the following ogr2ogr command:

ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f MySQL MYSQL:db,user=user,password=secret,host=host MYSQL:db,user=user,password=secret,host=host,tables=table_name -nln table_name_new -overwrite -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geo -lco MYSQL_FID=geo_data_fid

Afterwards, I had a table_name_new table of the correct projection.